

Get to Know: Jenna Martin

5 minute read

Get to Know:

Meet Jenna, a one-woman show from The Golden State. From the first time we worked with her, we fell in love with her unique take on the world—a view full of both magic and gumption—and had to know more.

All photos by @twosmallfries

Let’s start with an intro: what is your name, where are you from, and what do you do?

Howdyyyy, I’m Jenna! I go by @mrsjennamartin on Instagram + Twitter. My friends call me a plethora of nicknames; all related to being short/small. I’m originally from San Diego, CA (born and raised), but I now live in Los Angeles, CA with my husband. I’m a social media marketing consultant, blogger, and jack-of-all-trades! (I don’t like the word “influencer” so you won’t catch me calling myself that). I come from a background in fashion marketing and social media management, and now I own my own business doing just that… and about anything/everything that goes along with it!

My husband and I are a unique pair. We’re both very small people and stand out in a crowd. Our friends coined us “small fries” many years ago, hence our blog name Two Small Fries. It’s fun and playful, just like us and the things we share there!

How do you and Nick split up work on the blog? What caused you two to decide to make a website together?

My husband, Nick, is a professional musician so the bulk of the actual web-work is my thing. He’s a really talented writer and such a creative soul, so he likes to tackle the storytelling and often gets behind the camera. The blog came about through the endless questions we’d get about our lives from our followers online, which was really exciting because I’m a natural “helper” and love sharing tips, deals, finds, etc. with others. Nick and I started taking big trips together the first month we began dating, so you can imagine all the travel questions we’ve gotten since day one. We really just thought it would be a cool place to keep all our stories and travels, initially. I spent 3+ years working for the Walt Disney Company at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World (which I get tons of questions about) so our Disney trips were something we wanted to share right off the bat. It blossomed really quickly and became a space for us to share all kinds of things relating to our lifestyle – rainbow hair, vacations, our health journey, local events, and even tour updates from Nick.

Where would you like to take Two Small Fries in the next few years?

Ah, what a question! Nick and I absolutely have big plans for our website and brand. This year is going to be an exciting one for the blog, but I can’t share any spoilers just yet! I’d love to keep sharing our travels and life, but also keep growing, sharing our stories and partnering with brands that reflect values which align with our own. I want to get a little bit more personal with some of my own stories relating to mental health and voluntary loss of a parent. My individual goal is to share my story because I wish I would have known I wasn’t alone when life was happening to me. I really believe it could have helped me through hard times I went through as a young adult. I want to take my difficult experiences and use them to positively impact those who might be going/gone through some of their own. I think that our blog is a great place to open up that kind of conversation.

What are your favorite things to do in your city?

I’m sure you’d expect to hear “going to the beach” or “going out to brunch” like most Angelinos might respond, but I’m going to give you my best “Jenna” answer and tell you about how much I love Universal Studios, museums, seeing Disney movies at El Capitan, and trying out new restaurants and coffee shops with my husband. In general, whether I’m here or in another city, I just really love going new places! Los Angeles has plenty to offer in that department!

Do you have a technique for putting together your daily outfit? Top first? Shoes first? Do you check the weather before you dig in to your closet?

Oooh, I love this question. For me, I usually have one piece that’s already in my mind or inspires the rest of the outfit. Sometimes it’s a beret, and other times it’s a pair of shoes or a top. There have even been times that I really wanted to put glitter eyeshadow on, and assembling my outfit was all about supporting the glitter-vibe. I’m not great at checking the weather before getting dressed, but that’s what over-the-knee socks and coats are for!

Have you always had an interest in fashion? If not, what do you think caused it to spark your interest?

Absolutely. And I blame the Spice Girls. I’m 29 years old, so they were my idols all through the 90s. Surprisingly, I find myself loving 70s and 80s fashion much more than 90s fashion, but I always loved how FUN the Spice Girls looked. I actually worked in fashion (both sales and marketing) for a few Fortune 100 companies from 18 – 24 years old which was great but I think I was too influenced to dress a certain way and lost a little bit of my personal spunk. I rediscovered my individual style after leaving Disney and as you can see, my hair really speaks to that FUN I mentioned earlier.

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